Hi All,
We are transitioning from Soap to the Restful Gateway, the Rest calls etc are fine and we have these working, the problem is that we need to remove the webinterface installation on the server but this is currently used to pull in the Service Reference to serialize the xml from the IFS Workbench into a DsSheduleData object so that we can use it in our inhouse code and then serialize it back to send back to IFS.
My question is where can I get the DsScheduleData schema/object from when we don’t have the Service Reference to pull it from?
I have located the DsScheduleData.xsd in the install documentation folder and created a class file from it using xsd.exe but this does not replicate the reference file obtained via soap so our code can not use it the same way.
I also found a Schema.dll in the Restful Gateway folder and tried to import this but I get dependency issues and cannot load it into code,
I may be missing something very simple but I am hitting my head against a wall at the moment and cannot see an answer.
An example of how I use the DsSheduleData object is
resourceId = activityStatusRow.resource_id
Another example is the file generated
This is the class file created from the XSD
Partial Public Class dsScheduleDataActivity
Private idField As String
Private activity_class_idField As String
Private activity_type_idField As String
Private location_idField As String
Private end_location_idField As String
This the Reference file generated from the Soap Service Reference
Partial Public Class ActivityDataTable
Inherits Global.System.Data.TypedTableBase(Of ActivityRow)
Private columnid As Global.System.Data.DataColumn
Private columnactivity_class_id As Global.System.Data.DataColumn
Private columnactivity_type_id As Global.System.Data.DataColumn
Private columnlocation_id As Global.System.Data.DataColumn
Private columnend_location_id As Global.System.Data.DataColumn
Any help much appreciated