The client is organized in Service Organizations and Service Delivery units, and both resources and tasks can be traced back to a combination of S.O. and S.D.U.
As concerns scheduling, their requirement is to manage all resources/tasks of a Service Organization within the same PSO View.
At the same time, they want PSO to respect the Delivery Unit constraint: meaning that Tasks assigned to a given Delivery Unit should be taken over only by resources of the same D.U.
The viability of this is also corroborated by the behavior of the Apply Constraints function:
The Service Organization 1121 has 2 Service Delivery Units, 221 and 222.
I created a dataset for S.O. 1121
To prove the point, I created a scenario where all 3 resources are of the Delivery Unit 222, whereas the Requests (Tasks) have been specifically created for Delivery Unit 221.
Unlike I would have expected, the 221 Task has been scheduled on a 222 Resource nonetheless.
Is this behavior wanted or to be regarded as a bug?
Are there any parameters/configurations I can play with to make the S. Del. Unit constraint binding for the allocation of tasks to resources?