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Good day

I am having the following issue.

I have teams setup in FSM with team members and scheduling resources, all connected to certain datasets. I have created corresponding datasets in PSO, and after setup is complete everything works as it should (team members/resources added in FSM displays immediately in PSO, tasks get scheduled correctly according to commit rules etc.).

The problem I have is that after tasks are scheduled, making changes to the rota or resource planner, it will move all tasks around. For instance, if the scheduling period for the rota is 1May to 1June, and any changes are made, PSO will move my committed tasks to the end of the rota period. Committed tasks will now be scheduled and committed for 1June, and allocated tasks will stay on the current day, but can’t become committed when tasks are completed, as committed tasks are now on the wrong day.

What can I do to fix this?



Hi Hannes,

Can you let me know the PSO version you are using?

I can remember that a related bug was fixed in a 6.6 version.





Managed to fix this error by switching on a parameter in PSO under Administration (the ScheduleCommittedActivitiesInActiveShift parameter was switched off). After this change no more problems with tasks being moved to the end of the rota period.


