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PSO - Postman POST - Basic Auth - 401 Unauthorized error

Hello experts,

Background information: PSO standalone/Integration with EA & PSO hosted in IFS Cloud


The integration users has been granted permission to GatewayBasicHttpAuthentication


Postman is setup as follow:


Unfortunately, when I execute this POST I get a Postman Status: 401 Unauthorized.

Have I missed something? Please advise.

Many thanks


10 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +24

Hi Miguel, my understanding is that you need to obtain a session token to authenticate with the gateway and then use that as a bearer token in postman.

Userlevel 7
Badge +24

Hi Miguel,

you don’t need to provide the “Default\” prior the username - only username is enough.

Further, you first need to obtain a session token. Pleae see also the PSO Interface Guide & swagger documentation for more information:


Best regards

Badge +4

Hi @tomgreenwood ,

I should have mentioned that I have also tried getting a token but I also get an error message, please see below. I have successfully used Tokens in other PSO environment, not hosted by IFS though.


@roklde I don’t have access to enable swagger in this IFS hosted environment

@roklde please see below from the Interface Guide


Many thanks for your feedback


Userlevel 7
Badge +20

I think your POST request uses a body, however the 3 values should be sent as Params:

I also inherit “authorization from parent”, here is how it looks like:

And for not having to manually copy&paste the apiKey, I use this after my POST:


Btw, you can grab the swagger definition from any instance, doesn’t have to be this one.

Badge +4

@Alexander Heinze 

thank you Alexander, I have tried that and still an error message

I have notice I have a special character in my password ‘#’  and it gets translated as % , please see below. I am going to change the password and see if that works

Kind regards




Badge +4

Hi all

changing the character in the password did not make a difference

This is my current setup for a token in Postman


Many thanks for your advise


Userlevel 7
Badge +20

Are you still getting a result 400? I get the same error when a submit a wrong password.

And did you allow Basic Auth also in the general settings, not just on the user?


Badge +4

Hi @Alexander Heinze 


I have now allow Basic Auth in the General Permissions. The user already has this granted


I have tried again and I am getting a 400 Bad Request error

I have logon as the user, changed the password and tried again with the new password

Same error

Kind regards


Userlevel 7
Badge +24

@MIGDNA You said this is managed cloud? Then you shouldn’t send it to the “Default” organization. “Default” is the parent organization and only for Cloud team. The customer is using it’s own “child” organization. You can find the organization name in the URL of the Workbench.

Best regards

Badge +4

@roklde , many thanks, the Token is now working and also basic Auth.

Thanks all for your prompt feedback

Kind regards

