Hi All,
Currently we have set up a PSO environment (6.8) and integrated with IFS apps 10 during a apps8 → apps10 upgrade.
The Customer is complaining that the inbound PSO Messages to Apps 10 not being received.
The issue is that the customer wants to use a AD User for Inbound and Outbound message and this is where we are having issues. In their current apps8 setup they are using an AD user in Apps 8/PSO5.9.
We have only enabled Annonymus Authentication in PSO server.
Do we need to enable windows authentication and enable “Active Directory Authenticator” in Apps10 middleware server admin console?
This customer use Azure Ad and SSO enabled already.
Please give me any thoughts on this. Enabling “Active Directory Authenticator” would cause any troubles on PSO work? Currently customer is having tests on PSO and we need to make sure not to break anything. :)
Best Regards,