As there are many color/colour options in the PSO parameters that refer to Gantt chart colors, which specific one is it that is associated with the ‘selected’ option in picking a Resource/Shift (see image)?
The gray of the selected Resource/shift row when you click on a Resource and then move the cursor to another Resource’s shift area the previously-highlighted gray looks so much like the shift color that it sometimes gets visually confused with someone having a shift when they don’t. We want to change this color so there’s no visual confusion between the selection color and shift colors. In the image, the selection row is the long grayed area after a Resource was selected and the cursor was moved off of that selection line, and the last two grayed items are actual shifts.
We’ve experimented with changing various Gantt color options to bright pink so we can tell what was changed, but there are so many states we’re getting tired of guessing. We think there is a sideways work-around by giving Shift Categories colors which would change the shift to a different color (which apparently also affects the Rota display), but wonder how to change the highlight issue in parameters.
Also, since colors are based on a PSO “theme”, are there other theme options available? Thanks.