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PSO Failed to Add Travel for Resource - what causes this?

  • 4 June 2024
  • 2 replies

In PSO Events view we’re seeing many warnings for “Failed to add travel for resource xxx activity as started travelling at date time].”

Does anyone know the root cause for that so we can ensure scheduling and updates done correctly?

Using FSM as the EA to PSO, and mobile devices to update FSM.


2 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +12

Hi @InADaysWork

This warning is produced by the DSE when a duplicate travel has been created. Which may have been caused by duplicate activity status rows for starting travelling. If you are unable to see why duplicate travels may have been created, then please raise a support issue and we can investigate further.

This is raised as warning as it should not really impact the schedule, if you notice that any expected travels are missing then please raise an issue.

Any questions let me know,



Thanks, kai.parker, for your reply. There have been some issues with FSM DB locks and it seems FSM and PSO sometimes get out of synch. Updating statuses in FSM and clearing any outstanding historical activities in PSO ARP seemed to resolve the problem. Your guidance for where to look was appreciated.
