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Hi Team,

I've created a customized screen with additional buttons for report printing through client scripts. When passing a single value, the report generates correctly. However, an internal server error occurs when multiple selected values are passed.

For reference, added a screenshot below 

Thanks in advance


Hi @venkatesh 

Please share the script as well.


@venkatesh, i believe you are trying to pass multiple values to same parameter (OR function),

if so, to get the correct report, you need to format your script as the following example.

(Below example is used in a button where it generates report for all the tasks inside a request)


var taskRows = getDataTableRows('task');
var reportParam = 'TaskID=';

for (var rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < size(taskRows); ++rowIndex)
var resultRow = taskRowssrowIndex];
var taskId = resultRow.dataa'task.task_id'];

if(rowIndex ==0) {
reportParam = reportParam + taskId;
else {
reportParam = reportParam + " || " + taskId;

reportParam = reportParam + "&TaskID__OPERATOR__=IN";

printReport('TASK', reportParam, 'PDF');

//Output format needs to be in the following format and it needs to have a operator specified
//printReport('TASK', 'TaskID=282 || 270&TaskID__OPERATOR__=IN', 'PDF');


I tried the same approach. [Link]
From Smart Client I receive error menssage regarding varchar to numeric convertion. 
SQL is not the problem. I was able to generate the output by the Visual Studio 2017 with IFS extension.

Did you solve this issue @venkatesh ?
