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How to link tab in task to the request tab in FSM smart client, example how part need tab in task linked to request part need tab.

Once part need is created in task, same will be reflecting in request part need tab, Please suggest how to do it for custom tabs. Sample document will be helpful.




Hi Ramya,

Those things are based on the Foreign Key mapping in Custom metadata and N:N relationship in Studio UI Designer,  In Baseline, Part Need table having both TASK_ID and REQUEST_ID, that has been mapped in REQUEST screen N:N (Edit Child Relationship) relationship.


In your case, if you want to create a custom table and you need that to add that in Request screen please do the following config steps to achieve the same.

  1. The primary Table for the Request screen is “REQUEST” and the primary key is request_Id, so you need to add request_id in your custom table with the exact same configuration(Column type, Max Chars, Mask Type, and etc) as we have in request.request_id in FSM Metadata.
  2. In your custom table “Relation Def” configure your custom table with Request table as relation type as PARENT.
  3. In Studio UI designer, on request screen configure the N:N (Edit Child Relationship) with your Custom table that configuration you did like in Metadata.
  4. Save the screen and create a new tab and drag new fields, It will work.

Hope this helps.

