Hi Ramya,
Those things are based on the Foreign Key mapping in Custom metadata and N:N relationship in Studio UI Designer, In Baseline, Part Need table having both TASK_ID and REQUEST_ID, that has been mapped in REQUEST screen N:N (Edit Child Relationship) relationship.
In your case, if you want to create a custom table and you need that to add that in Request screen please do the following config steps to achieve the same.
- The primary Table for the Request screen is “REQUEST” and the primary key is request_Id, so you need to add request_id in your custom table with the exact same configuration(Column type, Max Chars, Mask Type, and etc) as we have in request.request_id in FSM Metadata.
- In your custom table “Relation Def” configure your custom table with Request table as relation type as PARENT.
- In Studio UI designer, on request screen configure the N:N (Edit Child Relationship) with your Custom table that configuration you did like in Metadata.
- Save the screen and create a new tab and drag new fields, It will work.
Hope this helps.