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I need to implement a lobby in FSM which navigates to a cloud page and need to pass the place_id(stored in the database) as a parameter. 


please advise on how we can add a parameter to a URL in a lobby in FSM.

The link to the cloud page that we need to access(parameter is highlighted):;$filter=%28Identity%20eq%20'CMWCUS001'%29


Thank you.

Hi @nurtlk ,


That is not possible with navigation. Only you can provide a link in lobby dashboard through links list but rest of work every time end user have to do it manually.


Sumit Joshi


Could you confirm if this feature is still unavailable in IFS FSM Cloud?

Thank You!

Hi ​@sujoin, does this same for passing parameters from Cloud to FSM lobby too? I am trying to pass customer ID from Cloud lobby to a FSM lobby. We have included the FSM lobby URL on one of our Cloud Lobby element



Can you explain little more passing parameters from cloud to FSM lobby?



Sumit Joshi
