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Lack of Appointment Offers in Low Volume Dataset

  • 5 June 2024
  • 1 reply

Due to the nature of our business, we have a dataset that is very low volume. This dataset is for seasonal installations (so the summer months have more volume) and resources in this dataset are only booking appointments for accounts they installed. Because of this, the overall plan quality for this dataset is much lower than our other datasets that book non-seasonal work. When we do request availability for resources in this dataset, we have been noticing that the ABE is not offering all available appointment slots. We see a lot of appointment offers where Available = False and Reason_Code = 470, despite a few resources actually being able to accomplish the work during that time frame requested (Sufficient drive times, skills, time allotments, etc). When we analyze these situations, the ABE is stating that the appointment offer came back as Available = False because it would decrease the overall plan quality.  Since we are booking to a specific resource, we don’t care about the overall plan quality and would prefer that the appointment be offered.

We cannot pass through all appointment slots with a Reason_Code = 470 because some of the slots are not valid appointments and would not be assigned to a resource by the DSE. We have previously tired to do a major increase of the base value for work orders at the time of booking, but that did not provide any additional slots. 

Are there any suggestions of other things we can try to have these appointments slots be offered to users? Has anyone else experienced a similar issue and found a solution that worked for them?

1 reply

Userlevel 7
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Can you try to manually allocate the job to one of your available resources (if you’re on 6.13 you can also use validate) and see how the SLA and Current Allocation Value look like? Maybe you also get exceptions that explain the issue. Have you looked at all the potential cost of this allocation? There may be a shift cost, which blocks the ABE from only allocating a single job to that shift. Still surprised that an increased base value didn’t help though.
