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Is it possible to create partition on FSM table Task, Request?

Will FSM support partitioning table  like (Task, Request ,etc)

Hi @TatKhandM ,

The existing tables like TASK, REQUEST partitioning is not a feature of FSM (as far as I know) as you already know that a task or request can hold only a single row and if you just check through the metadata explorer, you can see the related tables for fsm metadata like task (how task/request related data are interrelated with other tables). Tables extensions are supported by FSM. What is the purpose of partitioning existing FSM metadata?

Hi Saranga,

Purpose of partitioning is to improve the performance of the database by creating partition monthly/yearly on the FSM base tables like (task,request).




Hi @TatKhandM,

The advised process for the scenario you present would be to have the task/requests archived past a particular date. That will then separate them to the archived table when they pass that age and prevent them from bogging down the active task/requests in the main table.

Kind regards,

Lee Pinchbeck
