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New to this role but since Dec 31, it seems that our integration schedules are not running and are unable to use the Run Now too. I have restarted the following items but with no success. I have tried the following items that have worked before:

  • Refreshing Cache
  • Refresh Integration Cache
  • Restarting FSMProd Integration Monitor Services (On Server)
  • Restarting App Pools
    • FSMLinkService Mgd
    • FSMProd Mgd 
    • FSMRestService Mgd

We currently have IFS FSM, version 5.6.2. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 

Thank you.

Hi @DSL_Em,

It may be worth checking the Integration Monitor screen and confirming that the correct monitor instance is set to default. It may be that a new instance has been made but the old instance is still set as default.

Kind regards,

Lee Pinchbeck