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Hi Team,

In FSM6 while executing Fsm_6_indexrebuilder.sql file , the cmd prompt is asking for " Enter the Value for 1" . Kindly hep us regarding what value need to be passed ?

Thanks & Regards,



Hi @TatKhandM,

Can you please confirm the update of FSM6 you are running. There have been issues with some of the index scripts from some versions so this may be the reason. My understanding of the rebuilder scripts is that they should not need any input after being run.

You may need to contact IFS for the corrected rebuilder scripts as it is not possible to attach them here.

Kind regards,

Lee Pinchbeck

Hi Lee,

I am using the update of FSM 6.5 IndexRebuilderScript

Hi @TatKhandM,

I would certainly contact IFS to confirm that that script is okay and if not to be given the working script. There was a known bug logged for the rebuilder scripts and it is due to be corrected in FSM6U7.

Kind regards,

Lee Pinchbeck