Can someone tell me please why a business rule (process ID 10, standard rule) would fire selectively bqsed upon a task update.
For example. if i change the status on a task record, the rule will fire on certain statuses and not others (i have the watch turned on for that rule)?
What controls this?
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Hi @MartinF
Please share the BR configurations. It is a bit hard to guess without them.
Thanks for the reply. Well there are 46 configurations in that Business Rule, so a lot to list.
Firstly, i have the watcher turned on for that rule. Should the Watch window pop up EVERY time the rule fires? even if there are no matching configurations within it? What i am seeing is that the rule pops up for some values and not others, but i would expect it to pop up every time, even if there are no matching values?
Hi @MartinF
I am unsure if the window should pop up with ‘explicit call’.
It is better to look at the server log after setting the BR level to 5.
Hi @Shneor Cheshin
From further testing , i have confirmed that the watch window will still pop up even if no matching values are found.
All i am doing to test, is changing the Task Staus and nothing else. Some Task Status values seem to trigger the rule, but most do not. My understanding is, that since the Task table is being ammended, then the rule should fire in every case even if no matching values are found, so i should see the pop up window in every case regardless of the rule outcome. I have tried using the log but nothing gets logged when the rule appears not to trigger
@Shneor Cheshin
Just to be clear this is the rule that creates a new task based upon a task status change, it calls mpm: perform_task_succession and is one of the factory rules
@Shneor Cheshin
If this rule is an ‘Explicit Call’ then is called by the policy named in the Custom/FSM Metadata? ‘TaskPolicy’ is the factory policy, however we use different policies in the Custom Metadata for the Task table that were provided to us by FSM