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Hi Guys,

Anybody know how to configure FSM and SSRS so that I can run SSRS report in FSM tool.




Hi Saras,

we use FSM to execute SSRS reports as well.   

To make sure we’re talking about the right setup;

Our employees use the “Reports” screen in FSM to select reports & Parameters, when they select “View Report” it opens in a web browser, on our SSRS ReportServer.


The setup is as follow: 

  1. App Param: “ENABLE_CLIENT_REPORTS” =  N (to open reports externally)
  2. App Param: “REPORT_SERVER_URI_SSRS” = the URL to Report Server
  3. In “Report Admin” all reports are set to Source “SQL Server  Reporting Services”


Hope that is sufficient.  Let me know if you have any follow up questions.




Hi @Rwjgoedhart ,

Thank you so much for your help. It really worked. I have no word to explain my happiness. 

I have one concern, when I m trying to run the report from FSM web client, it is not working. But it is working perfectly fine from FSM smart client installed in the server.

This is the error-

Please suggest.



