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Can you please explain how GPS location updates are recorded on the mobile device (IOS) and sent to the backend and what should be configured to make this happen. We are currently using FSM6 SP5 and are experiencing very few GPS updates on the person records of the technicians. The mobile device is set to allow location tracking for the device and FSM however very few updates are written back to the FSM application 

Hi @PirtekKH,

The fact that you are receiving some updates would suggest that it is not that these are being blocked but just that the settings are not as sensitive as you would like.

A good starting point is to review the settings on the app params that are found when searching for ‘GPS’. There are several there that control how often the GPS will update, what status will trigger an update and what records will trigger an update.

I would advise caution in setting these to be too regular as I have seen systems where the constant stream of GPS data has slowed the application significantly. There needs to be a balance which will be different for each configuration of the system.

Hope this helps,

Lee Pinchbeck


Can you please explain to me how GPS works in FSM 6 u6 with iOS devices. Our current system is setup to record GPS updates on the person record every 10 minutes and this does work but only if I leave the mobile device on (as in open and unlocked) with the FSM application open. Not only does this have security implications it is not practical for many reasons.

On the mobile device the following is configured for the FSM application:

  1. location services is enabled
  2. location services is set to “Always” for the FSM application
  3. GPS precise location is enabled
  4. Background App Refresh is enabled 
  5. Mobile Data is enabled 

Please let me know as i believed FSM 6 enabled background synchronisation on mobile devices



Hi @PirtekKH,

The background sync will only work if you have the new push notifications setup. Based off of what you have mentioned you have everything else in place.

Background sync and Push notification require a Azure Notification Hub (ANH). So if you do not have one in place you will first need to create one.

Kind regards,

Lee Pinchbeck 

Hi Lee

Is there any documentation on setting up an Azure Notification Hub (ANH) for FSM and what the benefits are?


Hi @PirtekKH,

The Microsoft documentation for ANH can be found here:

I have also attached a document that gives some guidance on how to set it up specifically with FSM in mind.

The main benefits is that it enables the push notification and background sync for FSM Mobile. Without ANH neither of these pieces of functionality are possible.

Kind regards,

Lee Pinchbeck

Hi Lee

Thanks for the information. This documentation refers to setting up a ANH for Android. Is there one for Apple devices as that is what we use?


Hi @PirtekKH,

The instructions would be the same for Apple except where the Android API key is added to the Google settings you would instead want to be on the Apple settings and insert the iOS API key.

Kind regards,

Lee Pinchbeck

Hi Lee

I have setup the APNS and the devices are registered successfully. Test notifications are received from the APNS by the iPads. My primary objective for this setup was the background sync for FSM Mobile as discussed above howvever this is not working. The attached document focusses on push messages, do you have anything on background sync?. The scheduled process Mobile Silent Push is active and running however is not working


It could be an authorisation issue between FSM and APNS

Hi @PirtekKH,

Just to update you on this. I am chasing up internally on the best documentation we can put together to provide for this.

Have you had any luck identifying any authorisations issues between FSM and APNS? It should be showing in the server events if there is an issue occurring there.

Kind regards,

Lee Pinchbeck
