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I’m curious if anyone using the FSM6 Web Client (u25) has any tips or recommendations on how to resolve significant response delays when users are navigating between screens, running searches, saving transactions.  We are currently working through some infrastructure recommendations following a ‘health check’ but wondering if anyone has identified or implemented any specific changes to help improve responsiveness.

Start narrowing down if it’s network, browser, or application delay.


Three things I’ve run into:


Browser - visible records per screen (with 10,25,50 etc. range control) has a major impact on performance

Application - limit views used to dynamically calculate things like sum of Request’s NPU costs, nearby Tasks, etc. Or - if activity feed is enabled at all.

Network - performance bad for all? Investigate peering/good time to deploy reverse proxy etc.

Hi @RiSpence 

In addition to @Brian Maus great suggestions.

We noticed a big impact when using drop-down controls, as the browser will try to load them all into the cache on the first load. 

If possible, replace drop-downs with lookups.


Thanks for the tips folks.  Good suggestions that we will incorporate into our corrective actions.

