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Hi All,


we have a requirement where we have to automatically generate a report.


Is there  a standard or configurable way to have a trigger that would generate a report automatically and then attach it to a Request or Task?


Best Regards,

Frederico Mendes



Hi @FredericoM,

Please see the earlier post here:


As a partner you should have access to the above subforum.

In short though it is possible to auto generate the report based on a trigger but not to then attach it to the task. You would need custom code to achieve the last part.

Kind regards,

Lee Pinchbeck

If you create an event on the task and then you could write an event based notification on the task that would deliver the pdf  report (or after FSM 6 Update 2 excel or word) to whoever you create your notification rule to. There are very few reasons you would want to create custom code as you need to consider the client’s upgrade path.

If you don’t understand notification rules, how to build and send reports, watch the following session:


In this session we walk through what a notification is and how they can add value in the business. In addition we walk through the key fields that drive notifications and how to configure them to send meaning full content to your internal and external user community.

Hi Lee,


Thank you for your reply.


Using the Reports, is it possible to have a Business Rule to trigger that generation file?

The idea is to have a trigger to generate the pdf with information from the task and have the file attached to the related task.


We saw the perform with the name perform_get_report_pdf, but we didn’t find the correct nomenclature of the parameters to execute it and where the file is placed.

Did you have any hint on how this is used? 



Thank you,

Best Regards,

Andreia Leitão 

Hi Lee,


Thank you for your reply.


Using the Reports, is it possible to have a Business Rule to trigger that generation file?

The idea is to have a trigger to generate the pdf with information from the task and have the file attached to the related task.


We saw the perform with the name perform_get_report_pdf, but we didn’t find the correct nomenclature of the parameters to execute it and where the file is placed.

Did you have any hint on how this is used? 



Thank you,

Best Regards,

Andreia Leitão 

Hi @AndreiaLeitao ,

You can only create a notification BR to attach the report (by triggering the point in the task) and send it via email to the recipient. But in order to create a task_attachment and automatically attach the report in the task, you need to create a custom code (policy) in the program. Then call that MPM in the XML BR. 
perform_get_report_pdf only works in the report screen and it will throw a ui.communication error if you post it somewhere in a BR or XML poster.