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FSM Report Print issue

  • 7 August 2020
  • 4 replies

Unable to see the downloaded PDF report/Service inquiry form after I click on the “Print” button in any page.   In request page, if I click Print, getting the following error.

System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Report file REQUESTS.rdlc not found.  Check CLIENT_REPORTS_PATH setting.
   at Metrix.UI.ClientReport.RdlcReportHelper.OpenReportFile(String reportName)
   at Metrix.UI.ClientReport.RdlcReportHelper..ctor(String reportName, String reportRefName, Boolean isSubReport, Dictionary`2 reportQueries)
   at Metrix.UI.Util.RunReportingService(String reportNameWithParameters, String outputFileType)


But, corresponding *.rdlc files are there in installed path location. (…….\Application Server\ServerInstallContent\ClientReports\BaselineReports)

Earlier issue was not there.


Please advise.

Hi @Asterix,

Did you check whether you have included the exact path in the CLIENT_REPORTS_PATH app param?




Please go to the App Param Screen and search for “CLIENT_REPORTS_PATH” param. You have to provide a param value here. This param value Identifies the path to the client report definition files. Value is any valid path. This value is specified at installation. Please refer the attached example.


Thanks & Best regards,


Hi @Asterix ,

It is also worth confirming that the folder the reports are in does not have restricted access that would prevent the FSM application from using this report files.

Kind regards,

Lee Pinchbeck

@Saranga Amaraweera @Randika Costa  :

Thanks for your response.  

But, issue seems to be intermittent. Application stops generating PDF report all of a sudden. If I save the app param “CLIENT_REPORTS_PATH” (just save, no changes) issue automatically get fixed.

Any permanent solution to this issue? Please advise.
