Unable to see the downloaded PDF report/Service inquiry form after I click on the “Print” button in any page. In request page, if I click Print, getting the following error.
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Report file REQUESTS.rdlc not found. Check CLIENT_REPORTS_PATH setting.
at Metrix.UI.ClientReport.RdlcReportHelper.OpenReportFile(String reportName)
at Metrix.UI.ClientReport.RdlcReportHelper..ctor(String reportName, String reportRefName, Boolean isSubReport, Dictionary`2 reportQueries)
at Metrix.UI.Util.RunReportingService(String reportNameWithParameters, String outputFileType)
But, corresponding *.rdlc files are there in installed path location. (…….\Application Server\ServerInstallContent\ClientReports\BaselineReports)
Earlier issue was not there.
Please advise.