Re-reading the definition of Batch-All vs Batch-Delta.
Sounds like we want it as Delta (where it is currently set to all)
what is the harm that could come from this syncing in real time though?
here is the inital query on the sync rule:
<hierarchy_select return_only_requested_attrs="true" max_rows="50000">
Here is the query under MMA_REQUEST_HISTORY_VIEW
SELECT a.product_id, a.request_unit_id, a.request_id, a.place_id, a.req_type, a.req_status, a.created_dttm, a.request_end_dt,, ISNULL(a.text, ' ') AS cust_prob_descr, a.person_id
FROM (SELECT ru.product_id, ru.request_unit_id, r.request_id, r.place_id, r.req_type, r.req_status, r.created_dttm, r.request_end_dt,, r.cust_prob_descr, t .person_id, text = STUFF
((SELECT ' ' + text
FROM task_text t1
WHERE t1.task_id = t .task_id AND t1.text_line_code = 'WP' FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 1, '')
FROM request_unit ru LEFT OUTER JOIN
task t ON ru.request_id = t .request_id AND ru.request_unit_id = t .request_unit_id, request r, product p, place pl
WHERE ru.request_id = r.request_id AND ru.product_id = p.product_id AND r.place_id = pl.place_id AND r.internal_type <> 'T' AND p.status = '1') a
the issue was replications was not running