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FSM Mobile : Looking for more details for PTskAsgnmntAlrdyAsgndOrNotExsts

  • 25 June 2024
  • 2 replies

We are observing the Additional Resource Task errors on Mobile (especially iOS) with the error text “Task has been already picked by another person or it no longer exists. Further processing of this task is impossible.”. Can you please point to the details for this error.




This alert message comes from the code level. If you change the task resource or owner, the server sends the delete message to the previous task owner. After each sync cycle the mobile phone processes the sync data.

While processing the data, the function checks whether the task exists or not. If not it will show this alert.


Hi @CKOppBox 

In addition to @shalikakk great answer. I recommend checking

  1. Are the tasks updated justified?
    Might be a business process issue or a buggy function.
  2. Is there an issue with the sync rule not removing the task from mobile? 
    Might require an update to the sync rules.

