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FSM Mobile Initialization for long time ?

FSM Mobile App is initializing for the long time .

Kindly need your support to resolve the issue



Any update on the above issue


Hi @TatKhandM,


If this is an urgent issue I would recommend raising a case for support to investigate fully. Also, your profile indicates you are a partner which means you have access to the internal forums that allow for more targeted guidance for partners. It is recommended that the internal forums are used for those eligible to ensure you are getting the best tailored experience.

With that said the first things to check would be is the initialisation eventually completing, was the initialisation previously quicker and if so what has changed, is the sync also slow for those devices already up and running, is the network connection working correctly to the server location that the mobile database is constructed from?

If the initialisation is slow but the regular sync of active devices is not I would recommend checking sync rules for tables that are set to only update ongoing changes but have a large content in the main database. On initialisation, all qualifying lines of the table will be sent and there after only lines changed so, if you have a sync rule that does not have many filters on a large table that is only rarely updated this will cause the initialisation to be slow.

It is worth checking the sync rules in general but this may help you target some as a starting point.

Hope this helps,

Lee Pinchbeck