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The view, MMA_REQUEST_HISTORY_VIEW is what controls the product history on Customer records in FSM Mobile.

The issue with how this is set up is that if there are multiple tasks on a request, it only shows notes for the first task # and nothing after that. 

As a business that uses multiple tasks this effects on mobile users. 


Does anyone have a work around to this ? or have they modified these screens to accommodate this?

Hi @jbernardo ,


According to View definition it doesnt fetch the note/description of the task. It fetch the description of the request. cust_prob_descr is the description field of the request


According to View definition, it has a join with Task table. hence it is possible to get a task description by change it as it fetch the person id from the task table. So create Custom Metadata accordingly to select additional field than exiting and use it for your customizations.

I’m more so trying to get the task notes with a specific line code that shows what work they did.

Believe the table is task_text and the code we use is “WP”. Would that be possible with this method? While i am familiar with custom metadata i am unsure how to process the concept you presented.