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Hi , 

Can a Mobile Technician Browse All the attachment from Mobile , which are already available in BackOffice(FSM Smart Client).

Appreciate , If any inputs on this .


MuthuJayashree R.


Hi @Muthujayashree,

You should be able to sync anything from the smart client to the mobile device by ensuring the relevant tables and fields are included in the sync rules.

I would urge strong caution in this area, especially if you plan to send a lot of attachments to the mobile, as any changes to the sync rules can cause a large strain on the system. The mobile is designed with the idea that only the essential data will be sent to the device and only at the time it is required in order to keep the mobile database light and reduce traffic that could slow the system.

Kind regards,

Lee Pinchbeck

Thanks @Lee Pinchbeck for the response .

Can the technician View the List of attachment from Mobile  and then Download only that attachment .


MuthuJayashree R


Hi @Muthujayashree,

I think that’s theoretically possible although I am not aware of it being done. Mostly FSM Mobile is implemented such that the decisions are done prior to sending to the technician so that the technician can focus on their tasks.

If you only sync the header information for the attachment rather than the attachment itself then the mobile user could review each one. It would likely take custom script to then allow an attachment to be selected and trigger a request and subsequent dispatch of the related file though.

Some things to bare in mind would be an increased sequence of traffic back and forth to the devices causing slow down and also that, in areas of low connectivity there could be a long wait for the document to get to the device (the sync queue is done on first in first out so anything already waiting to go to or from the device will process first before the request to retrieve the document is processed and the same on the way back)

This could get quite complex pretty fast and by far the more recommended approach would be to determine what would be needed by the technician in advance and to provide this along with the task.

There is also the new mobile attachment API that was released recently.

It may help determine the best way to do this if you are able to clarify why they need sight of all attachments? Whats the use case for this?

Kind regards,

Lee Pinchbeck