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I am unable to update all the records using the below xml for mass update. Some of the records are not getting updated  if I am doing a bulk update. It is working fine up to 99 records. Is there any alternative method by which I can make it work for a large number of records? 

<sql_command>update person_skill set user_def4=null,user_def5=null where person_id='@expressionoperson_skill.person_id]' and 
user_def5 is not null and user_def4='AD'</sql_command>

The server log is giving exception: Exception Message : Cannot exceed more than 100 nested business rules, check for recursive business process.


Could you share the entire mass update xml here if possible? The shared mpm message is a exec_db_edit message.

Hi @SAMLK , 

I have created 3 rules in one Business Rule. In one I am doing mass delete, in the other mass insert for new records and in another this update is happening. This is the xml for the insert. 







<insert />






The requirement and the context that you shared is still not clear. Where are you pointing towards the mass update/delete/insert operations here? Could you at least share some screenshots please?



this could also be caused by the default recursive occurrence in SQL Server which is 100.



