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FSM - Item Styles Colour Code on List Views

  • 21 July 2020
  • 7 replies

Item Style Knowledge Article


Looking through the above knowledge articles and came across this one. This is something we have been looking at, and I thought I would create this topic to see if this is possible.

Is it possible to get Item Styles into a list view on a custom screen?

I wanted to do something simple like make a Request Priority 1 stand out. We can do this and it displays ok on the request screen.


However when we look at the same request on a custom list view the Priority value appears with no styling.


The custom screen is based of the primary table Table with a child relationship to Task, then an item path to a view of the Request table. We have tried to apply the Item Style ID against the field in the properties, but that doesn’t appear to work either.


Cheers Ady


Hi Ady,

Just to confirm, have you set the item style ID against the line for the reference table field that shows in the parameters for this field in the UI Designer within the relevant code table or have you attempted to do this directly via the UI Designer itself?

Kind regards,

Lee Pinchbeck

Hi Lee,

I set the Item Style against the ‘Priority’ Global Code, and this works fine for the Request Screen.


When we noticed the Item Style wasn’t then appearing on the List View, we applied the Item Style in the Item Style ID field in the Properties on the UI Designer.



Now that’s got me thinking doing that probably wouldn’t work anyway if we were to have more Item Styles per Priority value.


I hope that answers your question.






Hi @AdrianEgley,

Looks like what you have done in Global Codes is correct but it may be that the field in the tasks section may be looking at a different table. Are you able to advise what is stored in the lookup table parameter for the field this is not working on? 

If the lookup table parameter is looking at the same global code then it may be worth checking the main task screen to see if it is applying there. If it is we are likely looking at a bug to do with formatting on the subscreen which would need to be logged as a case for investigation and correction.

Kind regards,

Lee Pinchbeck

Hi Lee,

The lookup table parameters are in theory using the server defaults.

So using the alias of the Request table ‘request2_view’ which we created, we have just applied the standard priority field to the screen. There are no further values in the lookup table parameter.



I have checked the main task screen also and that displays as intended with the styling.


Further more if I add the task.priority to the screen and set to ‘01’ then the styling updates as expected.


The left priority field is request2_view.priority and the right is task.priority, both looking at the same global code.

On the same custom screen the tab ‘Cancel Charge’ is going from Team (the Primary Table) to request3_view directly.

That displays as expected when priority is added and set to ‘01’

Maybe it’s that 2nd hop. Team » Task » Request2_view that it doesn’t like.

More than happy to raise this as a case for further investigation if required.

Cheers Ady

Hi Ady,

I agree, it looks like the second jump is a bridge too far. Worth raising a case for further investigation to have it checked as a bug as it should not matter in my view as long as it is looking at the correct lookup table and that table is setup correctly (as we know it is from the displays on other screens). If it can pull through the data correctly, which it is, it should also be able to style it correctly.

Kind regards,

Lee Pinchbeck

How is your request2_view.priority column defined in metadata?  My guess is you need to define a lookup for that column into the global code table, if you have not already.

Hi Mike,

Thank you for the reminder on this, I checked the Custom Metadata for the view, and I already had that defined, which I may not have said originally. Still no joy with it unfortunately. 


I will add it to my list and raise it as a case for further investigation (apologies been on leave and v.busy) 



