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I have set-up a Folder Listener via the Monitor Schedules to pick out .csv files based on a prefix.

I want to trigger an updated to the primary table (invoice) once the file has been received. This will then be replicated for other tables too.

The value is not in the .csv so I want to add that in myself.
It doesn't appear to like this when adding in the hard value into the mapping, as it just by-passes that column.

I have then looked at using a Process to trigger a XML update where that value is set.

I have the file being read and the integration is mapping the header 'OrderNumber' to 'invoice_id' but how do I get that value into the XML to update the Invoice ID accordingly?

This is the Mapping I have.

The process is.


With the XML being a simple update.


I’m just unable to get the ‘OrderNumber’ value from the .csv to map into the XML.


What is the correct setup to achieve the outcome of the Invoice ID getting updated?




Update :sunglasses:


I think I have figured this out.

When the monitor engine picks up the file, I have set-up a Process ID to set the value on INVOICE_STATUS via a Business Rule. The CSV Integration Map runs it through and ‘On Transaction Validation’ runs an Explicit Call Value BR to update the Invoice Status.

Maybe that’s wrong but at least I now have it working.


Ideally on an inbound integration it would have been great to specify your own columns and data to update. Maybe there is a reason for that, any feedback would be greatly appriciated.


Cheers Ady

Hi @AdrianEgley,

Looking again at your screenshots it looks as though you have not entered the FSM Column value. This is the column in the FSM table that you want the ExtractColumn to match to.

Can you try adding this to see if it then pulls through correctly?

Kind regards,

Lee Pinchbeck

Hi @Lee Pinchbeck,

To be honest I had tried a number of things.

One where the mapping was like the above thinking the update process would inherit the value set against Invoice Status, but not extracting any data from the .csv for the column.


I have now been able to achieve what I need by triggering a BR from the integration, but I was hoping the simplistic approach above would have worked. I hope I have explained it ok.



Hi @AdrianEgley,

Looks like originally the issue was getting the INOVICE_ID to pull in correctly from the column in the file. Was this corrected by completing the extract column value to match the files column?

Am I understanding that the other issue is to always change the INVOICE_STATUS to POSTED IN SAGE when a record comes through and is processed from the file? Is there a reason why the file itself cannot be amended to contain a column with this status in it? I would have thought adding the value in the screenshot as you have would have done this but would need to look into this to confirm.

Kind regards,

Lee Pinchbeck

Hi @Lee Pinchbeck 


Thanks for coming back to this.

The file itself is being generated by FSM, and I am posting that into a middle layer connected to SAGE. That program is then moving the files to a ‘Posted’ or ‘Failed’ folder. Therefore the file being picked up by the listener is the same as I am posting. But I am using the folder location it drops into indicate if it’s been successful or not.

I hope that makes sense. But I would have liked to configure a column / value within the .csv maps to handle column updates


Hi @AdrianEgley,

We are pretty sure this can be done within the integration map itself but we need some time to try some things out. If you can leave it with us we can hopefully confirm that soon.

Kind regards,

Lee Pinchbeck
