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FSM Business Rule Values

  • 17 May 2024
  • 8 replies

Is it possible to view the values that are being evaluated by Business Rules? I have tried turning the log up but it only tells you if it matched or not, not what actual value was being checked.


We have a rule set up on TASK_EVENT (On Commit Insert) as follows, key point is thre value for Global_Name is not supposed to match for the rule to fire:

However, the notification still fires even if the values matches (its meant to only fire if it doesnt match the value) I have checked the value in the table directly, and even put the value in the notification message but it still thinks that the value does not match and fires. Any ideas?




what logging level is the Business Rule logging set at? could you share the server log?




Hi @MartinF 

Did you set the reference between the REQUEST and the TASK_EVENT tables? I would recommend setting it in the custom metadata.

I believe that if you are missing the connection the BR cannot evaluate the REQUEST.GLOBAL_NAME value evaluates only the TASK_EVENT.EVENT_TYPE value.

Alternatively, create a view that can be evaluated and use it in the BR.


@Morris Server log is set to level 9, but it doesnt show the actual value being evaluated, just wether it matched or not

@Shneor Cheshin 


Attached is the relation def in the TASK_EVENT meta data. is it correct? or do i need to define it on the request table also?


There is a value because is i set the rule to fire on a BLANK for global_name it doesnt fire!




I am not sure this will work.

What I suggest is the following:

  1. Create another BR to copy values into a UDF,  for debugging purposes. Later delete the BR and realocate the UDF.
  2. Create a view and set a direct reference to that view. I understand the relations you try to build in 2 steps task_event→ task→ request. But not sure it works as you think.

Regarding the logs, it will not show the values, it shows only if there is a match.


Following @Shneor Cheshin  recommendation, your primary table TASK_EVENT should have an explicit relationship with the REQUEST table. The current implicit join might not be interpreted correctly by the framework. Therefore, it's best to create a view that directly joins these tables, as suggested. Even with a log level set to 9, the framework will not show the values on the logging.

Hi @Shneor Cheshin @SAMLK 

Thanks for the replies. When I create the View, should I use the actual view as the primary table name When I set up the business rule?


Hi @MartinF 

The rule still triggers on the task_event table.

Just use it to derive the values.

Like you showed in your first screen, instead of request.global_name use my_view.global_name.

After setting the reference in custom metadata, the value should be evaluated and return the correct answer.

