Hi @PirtekKH,
The best way to do this may depend on the other triggers for the notification. Are you able to elaborate on what the full requirement here is?
Kind regards,
Lee Pinchbeck
The full requirement is to send a email notification to different distribution groups depending on the time and day a service request is booked e.g.
Monday to Friday 08:00 to 17:00 - email address 1 (in normal working hours)
Monday to Friday 17:00 to 08:00 - email address 2 ( out of normal working hours)
Saturday 08:00 - 12:00 - email address 1 (in normal working hours)
Saturday 12:00 - 23:59pm - email address 2 ( out of normal working hours)
Sunday all day - email address 2 ( out of normal working hours)
Hi @PirtekKH,
If the trigger and message is not changing and only the recipient email would it be possible to redirect this using your email provision and have FSM send to just one set email?
It would be possible to set something up in FSM but you would be looking at custom scripting and possibly requesting some IFS consulting time.
Kind regards,
Lee Pinchbeck
I’ve had a similar request in the past if a request was created in the evening for a specific customer. I couldn’t seem to find the correct format of expressions to enable this to work. Therefore I did it with a few steps to be able to get the day of week and the hour a request was created.
When a Request is created a request_event record of ‘OPEN’ is created. A business rule is fired that uses the <perform_exec_db_edit> and I would set user_def1 = datename(dw,event_dttm) and user_def2 = datename(hh,event_dttm).
This would set the Monday, Tuesday etc. in USD1 and the hour in USD2.Because this is updating the record at the Database level a) it won’t trigger anything else and b) be careful.
At the same time I’d send a request to the SME to check the event 2 minutes later. This would then update the sequence on USD3 was then updated and this is the trigger for business rule.
Using your example above.
User_def1 = Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday etc.
User_def2 = 17,18,19,20,21,22,23,00,01,02 etc.
User_def3 = changed to ‘Send Email’
This would then trigger the request event notification to correct team based on the inputs.
I'd imagine there's a more elegant way of doing it, yet to find it though.
Hope this helps