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FSM Business Rule Screen Refresh

  • 23 May 2024
  • 3 replies

I have a business rule that inserts a new Task on the Request screen from the previous Task Status Update (Task Succession).

This is an XML rule, rule 10 is not used as the status used is an OP status so rule 10 is not explicitly called.

The XML insert rule works and inserts the new Task however, to see the Task the screen has to be refreshed manually. This is not ideal as the user thinks the rule has not worked.

How can i get the XML rule to refrresh the screen so that the new Task appears?

3 replies

Userlevel 3
Badge +7



If the xml BR is after commit insert or update, then there is no way to have the screen refresh in the smart client. If this is in the web client then a client script could be created to do the refresh for the user.

Follow this link for additional information.




Userlevel 3
Badge +9



Thanks for the reply, i dont seem to have the correct permission to view that post

Userlevel 3
Badge +7


Sorry here is the post for you to read



We have a requirement to automatically create Tasks based on the Request Type and Sub-Type values in Smart Client. 

We have few conditions (fields) in Request which gets populated only after the Request is inserted. Therefore we have created an XML Business Rule, which triggers after the conditions are satisfied and creates Tasks (works as expected).

The issue/scenario which the client is requesting: the above Tasks are not auto populated after the Request is 'Saved' but we need to ‘Refresh’ the screen. They want the Tasks to be auto-populated without refreshing the screen.

The ‘Synchronous’ Option is selected in the Custom Process – XML Rule. Also checked the Client Script functions for Smart Client to auto refresh the screen but we do not have one.

Is it possible to have the Tasks automatically display in the screen without doing a Screen Refresh? Kindly let me know your inputs if the above scenario is feasible.



Is the execution point of the XML Business rule  ‘after commit insert or update’? If that’s the case, the tasks will be created after committing the transaction since it’s not transactional. Therefore, a manual screen refresh is needed to see the reflected changes. Also there is no particular scripting function to do a screen refresh on the smart client, but you can do it on webclient with refreshScreen() .

