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We have used mpm ‘perform_create_contract_bill_schedules_for_contract’ many times to regenerate bill schedules after doing mass contract pricing updates using an import map.  It would appear that the mpm has been deprecated from u6 to u25.  What is it replaced by?



Hi @RiSpence,

In default, FSM Baseline ‘perform_create_contract_bill_schedules_for_contract’ is not allowed to import.
If you want to add it to the import/Export list, you can set the allow_import flags on the table metadata to Y. Then it will display in the list.


To check the flag status: -
select allow_import from metrix_perform_def
where perform_name = 'perform_create_contract_bill_schedules_for_contract' (This should be N)

Find the below query to update the allow_import flag

Update metrix_perform_def set allow_import = 'Y'
where perform_name = 'perform_create_contract_bill_schedules_for_contract'

Thank you Sanjana.  I have successfully restored these functions.

