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Where can I find more information about this Exception?


I believe it is causing unwarted removal / exclusion from PSO

It is appearing on tasks which should remain in PSO, they were scheduled via Book Appointment



In the PSO workbench, in the explanations page you can create a request for the unscheduled activity to gain more information about why it has not been scheduled.



Thanks. Can you show me the breadcrumb in order to fine the explanations page and where to locate more information please? I’m having a hard time finding it.

Make sure you are on PSO 6.10+ and have the ExplanationsView permissions:

The navigate to Scheduling>Explanations:


We are on 6.9 it turns out.

So this feature is unavailable to me.


We are seeing a significant issue with activities being booked via Book Appointment successfully, but some time after, becoming Unallocated in PSO. I cannot find any information in FSM or PSO as to why these are being Unallocated. Most examples can be immediately, successfully rebooked via Book Appointment. 


Is there anything else I can use to determine why the activites were unallocated?



How do you book an appointment? Using a pre-built integration or from a custom upstream system? There is no guarantee that a booked appointment stays on the schedule, hence the PSO documentation suggests to significantly increase the value of booked ones to make sure other activities have a much lower value. You should also check whether you use displacement, could be that the new allocations have a higher priority.



We book appointments directly in FSM, which send over Primary Time Commitments.

We currently do not use displacements.

And in many of the examples of unallocation, there is nothing else on the schedule in their place.

