what function can be called to get row from response of createInsertRequest?
I have script to insert person_cal_except table. The aim is to get row and exception_id of the new created record..
My script is like this:
var newRec = {};
newRec.person_id = personId;
newRec.exception_type = exceptionType;
newRec.start_dttm = startDttm;
newRec.end_dttm = endDttm;
newRec.user_def1 = approved;
newRec.available = available;
var personCalExceptReq = createInsertRequest('person_cal_except', newRec);
var response = executeRequest(personCalExceptReq);
if (response='$type'] == 'ErrorResponse')
displayUserToast(getMessage('cUnabletoAddCalException','Information') + personId + ' ' + response.message,'error');
// alert('response' + size(response));
exceptionId = ?????? ;
// alert('exception Id: ' + exceptionId);
displayUserToast(getMessage('cCalExceptionCreated','Information') + exceptionId, 'INFO');
Thanks in advance for your response,