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I have requirement for bulk task creation on button click. Consider if  there are five task under different requests, based on task type I am changing task status and for status changed tasks we have to create one more task with different task type and different task status and requestid accordingly.


task id =102 ,request id =1002 and status = open

task id =103,request id =1003 and status =open

task id =104,request id =1004 and status =open

task id =105 ,request id =1005 and status =open

For all the above tasks status should be changed and 4 more task should be created with different task type and status like 

task id =121,request id = 1002 and status = hold

task id =122,request id = 1003 and status = hold

task id =123,request id = 1004 and status = hold

task id =124,request id = 1005 and status = hold


Please suggest how can I achieve this through client scrip.





Hi @RamyaR ,

You can achieve your requirement by writing a client script for a button in the web client.  

Following is the Client script written .


Client Script

I have defined 2 DB scripts 


DB Scripts

Client Script 

var requests = getDBValues("REQUEST_WITH_TYPE_FILTER");
     if (isNullOrEmptyString(requests) != true ){
        for (req_index = 0; req_index < requests.length; ++req_index){
            var tasks = getDBValues("GET_TASKS_FOR_REQUEST", rrequests=req_index]u"request_id"]]);
            if (isNullOrEmptyString(tasks) != true ){
                for(task_index = 0 ; task_index < tasks.length; ++task_index) {
                // Update status
                var updateRequest = createInsertUpdateRequest( 'task',{task_id : tasksstask_index]Â"task_id"],task_status :tasksÂtask_index]e"task_status"]} );
                var updateResponse = executeRequest(updateRequest);
                if (updateResponse != null && updateResponse.$type == 'ErrorResponse')
                    displayUserToast(updateResponse.message, 'error');
                // Create new task
                var request = createInsertRequest( 'task' , {request_id : requestsereq_index]r"request_id"], plan_start_dttm : tasksÂtask_index]Â"plan_start_dttm"], plan_end_dttm : tasks                var response = executeRequest(request);
                if (response != null && response.$type == 'ErrorResponse')
                    displayUserToast(response.message, 'error');

GET_TASKS_FOR_REQUEST - SELECT * from task  where request_id = '{0}'
REQUEST_WITH_TYPE_FILTER - SELECT * from request where req_type IN ('BASIC','FIX')

I have assigned the client script to a button in request search screen. Following are the output before and after button click. (Note - I commented the update status part and carried out the process, therefore the status change of the old task is not reflected)


Before button click - 4 tasks
Before button click - 4 tasks

When writing the createInsertUpdate request, make sure to include the required fields if not you will be getting an error stating the fields are mandatory. I did not test the solution entirely, but I think it caters for your requirement. 

Hope this answer helps

Best Regards,
