
Auto assignment in PSO

Userlevel 3
Badge +8

Hi All,


Problem Statement: We dont want any low priority task to get auto assigned during out of hours, that is in oncall shifts.


Is there any possiblity to stop the automation.




11 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +21

You can define a high shift cost to on call shifts.

Userlevel 5
Badge +13

Hi Shiyaz,

If you don't want any activities to automatically get assigned during this shift, then on the Shift Template there is an option for “Manual Scheduling Only”. This specifies that this shift should not have activities automatically scheduled into it.

If you want high priority tasks to be scheduled automatically, you can set a Shift Cost that needs to be high enough so that low priority jobs don't get enough value to cover this shift cost. 


Userlevel 3
Badge +8



Currently we have set our FT cost as below.. can you please suggest what is the value we can set as Shift cost during oncall hrs.




Userlevel 6
Badge +21

Shift cost should be set in the Shift Template. Not in resource level.

Userlevel 6
Badge +18

Just for the sake of completeness, another option is to set the base value to zero.

Userlevel 3
Badge +6

OK, we can set the shift cost for an on-call shift to be high. But, if we schedule a high priority job for that shift, will PSO say “hey, the shift is being used, so let’s fill it up with other (low priority) work”?

Userlevel 6
Badge +18

That’s true if you use shift_cost, a one-off for the shift. However there is also cost_ph, which should apply a high cost for every allocation in that shift.

What about the “Manual Scheduling Only” approach?

Userlevel 3
Badge +6

@Alexander Heinze We are trying to use automated scheduling where we auto schedule only high priority work during the on call shift but want no low priority work during that shift. Perhaps we can use cost_phot if we can somehow specify that all hours worked during that shift are overtime?


Userlevel 6
Badge +18

Since you specify both cost_ph and cost_phot on the individual shift I think this makes no difference, both should work. If your cost is 100 and a low-priority 1-hour job has a value of 90, it will not get scheduled. Just to illustrate: Here’s my “normal” schedule:


“High-priority shift” on Wed:




Does that help?

Userlevel 3
Badge +6

OK, I didn’t realize we can specify the cost_ph and cost_phot on the shift. I thought that was just on the resource. If we can do that on the shift itself, that is a great solution. Thanks!

Userlevel 6
Badge +18

You’re welcome. Feel free to mark this as a solution if it solves the issue.
