Hi @AdrianEgley
Back in the day (about 2 years ago) we checked the option.
The conclusion was there is no easy way to do this. If it is possible it will require customisations both on PSO and FSM side.
I’ll be happy to hear I am wrong and things are not so complicated.
Hi @Shneor Cheshin
I’m pretty sure ‘Back in the day’ is reserved from the period about 20 to 25 years ago .
I’ve kind of managed to do this using a SQL Insert statement. Which gives me the current shift plan from ARP into FSM. So at least the shifts are now showing on the schedule board. In my DEV environment i’m going to see if I can generate the shifts when ARP produces them on a daily basis through a Scheduled SQL job and see if that does the trick.
Thanks for the reply though.
Hey @AdrianEgley
Can you please share your solution?
Hi @Shneor Cheshin
I’m sure there could be a more graceful way.
But I have left this to run over the weekend and daily shifts are being created in the FSM database.
INSERT INTO IMetrix_DEV].Ddbo].dshift]
(shift_id, start_dttm, end_dttm, calendar_id, resource_id, person_id, team_id)
select (select coalesce(max(eMetrix_DEV]._dbo].[shift].hshift_id]),0) from Metrix_DEV]._dbo].[shift]) + row_number() over (order by 1/0) as shift_id
, s2.start_datetime
, s2.end_datetime
, s2.description
, s2.resource_id
, s2.parent_key
, s2.team_id
from /360_v5_Database_DEV].edbo]..Shift] s1
max(input_reference_internal_id) as max_input,
s.id, start_datetime, s.end_datetime, s.description, s.resource_id, t.parent_key, tm.team_id
from b360_v5_Database_DEV].adbo].eShift] s
join join dMetrix_DEV].ndbo].rteam_member] tm on tm.person_id = t.parent_key
left outer join lMetrix_DEV].idbo].tshift] fsms on fsms.start_dttm = s.start_datetime and s.resource_id = fsms.resource_id
where convert(date,s.start_datetime) >= convert(date,GETDATE())
and fsms.shift_id is NULL
--and tm.team_id = 'NORTH WEST'
group by start_datetime, s.id, s.end_datetime, s.description, s.resource_id, t.parent_key, tm.team_id
) as s2 on s1.id = s2.id
where s1.input_reference_internal_id = s2.max_input
order by s1.resource_id, s1.start_datetime
So this is a DB process that runs on the PSO DB and inserts into the FSM DB?
Not sure I am following. Heppy for more details if possible.
@Shneor Cheshin
Yes, that’s basically it.
I have set this a SQL Job to run each morning, and it will take any shifts from PSO that aren’t in FSM and create them.