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We have a requirement in FSM ,for any miscellaneous adjustment system should trigger a approval workflow and upon approval the adjustment happens.

Is it feasible in FSM? Is there any approval mechanism present in FSM.

Please let me know.


RR Patnaik



Are you able to clarify what specific changes would be triggering this? You could remove the relevant field from the view of the regular user and swap it for a user_def field. Then set a notification or hierarchy escalation that triggers on this user_def being set that can notify the relevant supervisors for them to complete the workflow and approve as required.

There is an article here:

regarding hierarchy escalations.

Hope this helps,

Lee Pinchbeck

Hi Lee, thanks for replying.

Let me explain you my exact requirement.

A  screen need to be developed for technicians from where he can request any parts he need for his service to the warehouse manager. On submission of the request it will go to the warehouse manager for approval. Warehouse manager on approving the request, the requested part will be transferred to technician custody and at the same time the onhand quantity of the warehouse will be reduced.

Is there any standard functionality to achieve this? If custom screen need to be designed then how the approval flow will be triggered.

Hope this clarifies the requirement. 


RR Patnaik



I would suggest checking out the Academy and your IFS contact for training materials on the part needs area of the system. It sounds like you should be able to use a part need entry by the technician and have two part locations (warehouse and technician van). If the technician is restricted from stock movement then you can set up a notification triggered on part need creation to notify the warehouse manager who can then review and move the stock as needed.

The stock quantities will be handled by the system when the stock movement is done.

Hope this helps,

Lee Pinchbeck

Thanks Lee for quick response.. I’ll try with the Part Need functionality to achieve the same.



RR Patnaik