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Hello all!

We have observed that the DSE frequently changes the tasks’ allocation to new resources, occurring every 2-3 minutes. So, we want to set a lower allocation frequency.

Is there a way to configure the DSE to adjust the allocation process to occur at a lower frequency, say every 10 or 20 minutes? 
Are there any additional configurations or adjustments that can be made to achieve a lower allocation frequency?

If anyone has experience or knowledge in this area, your guidance would be highly valuable. 

Thank you in advance for your assistance and expertise!

Hi - We cannot change this through any parameters when continuous optimization is happening. But if you need a lower frequency because the frequency of changes happening is low, then you can go for Reactive processing type. There, the plan will be generated once a change file is received.

Hi @Sajith Anushan

Where can I find the reactive processing type you are referring to, and what would the configuration be?

Thank you in advance!


What is the external application PSO is integrated with?

Hi  @Sajith Anushan,


PSO is integrated with FSM 6 Update 26

Hi - Unfortunately, FSM-PSO integration is only supporting Dynamic and Appointment process types. But changing allocations in PSO will affect FSM only if you are using DSE_ALLOCATION table data in FSM to update some FSM fields. If you lower the broadcast frequency to 10 or 20 minutes, FSM will update after that time even though DSE plans are generated frequently. 
