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Hi All,

I am facing an issue with mobile application trying to upgrade mobile (v25) getting below error.

Metrix password not expired but still getting  error.

Kindly suggest how can we solve below error?




Hi @Durga !

Did you check if the user is locked? You can review that in the person-screen under security-tab.

Also check the Installer log file by pressing ctrl+L to get more details on the issue.


Best regards

Hi roklde,,

Thanks for quick response!!

verified log file found that having an issue with ifs_mobile user. we are  trying to reset password but system not allowing us to modify.

Is there any way to rest ifs_mobile user password to move further  kindly suggest .





IFS_Mobile is a hidden system user. The password is set automatically upon installation. Thus, not sure why this password is invalid. Can you run a query against the person-table, checking if the number of failed login attempts it at 5 and the user is locked out?

Best regards
