Macros: Application Not Installed to Access Document - 23R2 and 24R1 Help Please
I’m trying to get the macros found in the 24R1 GCS demo data and in our customer’s database and have run into a brick wall. I’m hoping someone can help me knock it down.
The error,
Is in the macro block named General_Open in the subroutine
PUBLIC FUNCTION IFS_EXEC(O_APP, OPT, F). This is the entry point for the macro.
I’m at a loss.
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@Mathias Dahl
Hello Mathias, do you have any ideas to solve this one? I wonder if there is something happening with the security settings on the computer.
Thank you
@Mathias Dahl
Hello Mathias, do you have any ideas to solve this one? I wonder if there is something happening with the security settings on the computer.
Hi Patrick,
I don't know that macro well enough to say, but the error message seems to suggest that it cannot find "the application" on the PC where the macro runs. If it's Word, Excel or PowerPoint I cannot say. I assume you have those applications installed and working?
Yes. They’re all running.
Do I have to use that set of macros for things to work in 23R+? I have used the older ones but for some reason, I didn’t think they are good for the newer versions of the application.
Not totally sure what you refer to by "those macros" vs "the older ones". I can guess, but I would rather not
If you ask if those super old macros I once wrote can still be made to work, the answer is yes! As I remember they might need some minor tweaks. They are not as advanced as the "new" ones though, but is enough for many use cases.
Yes, you’ve guessed correctly. We have them in our Demo database, which is 24R1. I’m hoping that they work there. I’m going to switch over. and give that a try.
There must be something happening with Microsoft’s security in blocking macros. In either style of macros, I keep getting this message:
@Mathias Dahl, have your or anyone we know worked throught this?
Thank you.
I”m taking baby steps, I went into Word Options and in the Trust Center I selected the setting that allows it to accept all Macros. This seems pretty dangerous. There are supposed to be ways to set the sysatem so it will allows these. One is using a digitally signed macro but that doesn’t appeard to be applicable here. Another way is to us Internet Options and add the directory (the local checkpath, I presumed) as a trusted site, that didn’t work. What choices to Iwe have?
On the side, are Macros so infequenlty used that we are not maintaing them (or at least working with them) any longer?
I think the macros in Docman and the macros that dialog talks about are two completely different things. What the dialog talks about are macros that can be added to the Office files. Microsoft doesn't even know about Docman's macros, they are running on the outside rather than the inside.
Perhaps you have macros in those Office files you work with? Can you try to remove them?
I had a small macro in my Word Template document that I’d used to create my working document. It has never given me a problem. For some reason, Microsoft is sensitive to whatever the VBScrip logic is doing with the file when it opens it.
I’ll keep pursiing this and update this ticket.
Perhaps you should take a step back and first try out something simple, like what I posted here:
That macro will open any kind of file and show a message telling you about it.
Try that with a text file first, then a Word document, and see what happens.
I recommend you configure that as a view macro, like so:
Thank you. I’ve been using the MacroDemo that you created a couple of years ago in your TechTalk presentation. I’d be happy to try this simple one. Do you have the block for MSGBOX handy?
It’s basically this (from the post I linked to above):
Here is the exact thing I tested today though:
Public Sub ShowMsgBox Dim filename Dim answer Dim title Dim shell Dim twoNewLines
twoNewLines = Chr(10) & Chr(10)
title = "Example Docman macro for document " & GetAttr("doc_no")
answer = MsgBox ("This is a very simple macro. A copy of the document file can be found here:" & twoNewLines & filename & twoNewLines & "Click OK to open the file or Cancel to skip.", 1, title)
If answer = 1 Then OpenFile filename Else MsgBox "Goodbye!", 0, title End If