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In the Document Object Connection, i have created a custom field such as :


WHEN INSTR(a.KEY_REF,'EMP_NO=')>0 THEN Company_Person_API.Get_Person_ID(regexp_substr(a.KEY_REF,'[^^|=]+',1,2),regexp_substr(a.KEY_REF,'[^^|=]+',1,4))

WHEN INSTR(a.KEY_REF,'PERSON_ID=')>0 THEN regexp_substr(a.KEY_REF,'[^^|=]+',1,2)


So i can fetch the person ID in this field, and then I have created a custom tab in the Personal File that links to this custom field so i am able to retrieve all the documents pertaining to an employee wherever the document is located.

It works, however performance is very low… is there a way to index my custom field PersonID? The Indexed box is grey ... Or has anyone found a more elegant solution ?

Hi @ludovic.rougean 


Indexes can only be added to persistent fields. As a solution to your problem, did you try defining  object connection transformation (OCT) rules. However in order to do that, you need to identify each and every object where personal files can be attached so then you can try to define a OCT rule between that object and person file object so the document will be shown in the attachment panel of personal file object as well.



Hi, first of all thank you, as you made me discover a functionality that I ignored and could indeed be helpful.

The only issue here is that OCT seems to work only from parent to children. 

For exemple in my case, it works well if I want to see in PersDocument, documents attached to Pers.

However, I wanted the opposite… and that does not seem to work as one key is missing the other way around.

Any trick ??


Hi @ludovic.rougean 

That is because there can be more than one records of PersDocument for each Pers LU and in that case you cannot directly define keys as column mappings as SEQ_NO is missing in Pers LU. Here you can write a custom db method which takes target lu keyref as input and output source lu keyref and give the method signature for Transformation method column. However I am not sure it will work as there can be multiple source lu key refs

Also I can suggest another way by playing with Editable field. You can define the rule as below.


Target - PersDocument

Source - Pers

Editable - Source


 This will take care of the transformation from parent to child. However since the editable field is set as source, any new documents getting attached to child will actually be saved in parent (source). So the documents attached to any child will be shown in parent as well. One downside is then that document will again be shown in all the Childs as well due to OCT rule. Play it with yourself and see.


