
images in Word document are not displayed when IFS macros are active

  • 27 March 2023
  • 3 replies

We use IFS Apps10 Updt 13

Hello everybody 
When using IFS Macros in DocMan, we repeatedly find that individual images embedded in MSWord are not displayed. 
If the IFS macros are not executed, the images appear without any problems.
Our analysis has shown that the problem can be solved with an adjustment in the Macor block "IFS_02_01_MSOFFICE_WORD_EDIT".
As soon as the part 
is commented out, the images are displayed without any problems.
So far, so good. Our question now is, what side effects can it have if we leave the said code part commented out?

Thanks for an estimation.



3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +30

Firstly, a reflection and a warning: It sounds like you don't understand a macro that you have installed in your environment. I would not recommend to keep code running in your environment, on your users' PCs that you don't understand.

If I were to guess, that part of the macro is for updating some special type of "shape" in Word (basically it seems to be something that has been drawn on top of the text content, simply put) that might have text in it, and perhaps also a placeholder that can keep a value from IFS. If you have no shapes then you probably don't need to worry.

Again, I urge you to only install macros that you understand, that you have written yourself or that IFS or some partner to us has written and documented.

Good luck!

Hello Matthias
Thanks for your feedback and sorry that there was a wrong impression. I am well aware of what the respective IFS macro blocks do. I have also analyzed this with a VBA code "professional". That is how we came up with this "solution" for our problem. We decided to use this solution because we do not reference any text attributes in the shapes in our Word documents.
I was only wondering if there are any side effects that we are not aware of.

Again, thanks for your feedback.

Userlevel 7
Badge +30

You are welcome, I'm glad you found a way to solve the problem.
