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IFS Cloud 24R1. Document management. Repository types Shared and File Storage.

  • 18 June 2024
  • 4 replies


After IFS Cloud update to 24R1 version there is no possibility to use Document Repository with Repository Type “Shared”.

Client used Repository Type “Shared” and all document files were kept there. After upgrade client cannot access document files from Document Revision. Receives error: Error in downloading file: one or more errors occurred.

First question: How to reach the document files after upgrade to 24R1 version if they are uploaded to repository with type „Shared“?


We tried to create new repository with file type „File Storage“, in the field „Path“ (in the form „Repositories“). When uploading the document file to Document Revision, document file is put to the docman place, but not into the certain catalog for the certain Document Class:

And document file uploaded to repository is not named by „Repository File Name“.

Second question: How should be created new repositories with repository type „File Storage“ that document files could be uploaded to the exact folder of the certain Document Class?


Third question: How to connect files that are in Shared repository with the fields that will be in File Storage repository.

Hi Lina,

Thanks for asking here.

We deprecated (= warned about its removal) FTP and Shared repository support in IFS Cloud 23R2. You can read about it here:

It should also be mentioned in the release notes for 23R2.

As you can read above, the intention was to remove the support for FTP and Shared repositories entirely in 24R1, but it didn't turn out exactly like that. Instead we disabled the functionality by default (this is what you see now), to make sure customers are aware of the deprecation and to send a strong message that the functionality will soon be removed.

I urge you to review our release notes for IFS Cloud 24R1 for Asset Management (where IFS Document Management lies today) about the deprecation, about that we have disabled this and how to enable it again.

So, again, the functionality has not yet been removed, but it is disabled and you need to enable it.

This is a very strong signal that you should look into our other options for storing documents, primarily IFS Cloud File Storage. The latter supports something very similar to Shared repositories, even in Remote deployment (which you must be using, since Shared repositories are only supported there).

There are some threads here on IFS Community that discussed how to migrate data from one repository type to another. Here is one of them:

Good luck!

Thank you, Mathias,

now quite clear for me.

Just want to ask one more thing. We have a need to upload client documents with files to IFS Cloud. We were usually doing it with migration jobs. Usually Repository File Type we used was Shared. Now when Shared should not be used, we created repository with type File Storage. 


  1. Where should be put original file of the document in case to check-in it automatically when document revision is created via migration job.
  2. Is it a need to rename original files to Repository file names?


What was done:

  1. Renamed file (to Repository file name) uploaded to the repository with the type File Storage.
  2. Executed document revision migration job with METHOD30 included (for file check-in).

When I open the file for editing it was just an empty file - not that one which was uploaded to File Storage place. And I cannot to check-in it again. Such message is provided:

As I understand, system just created some empty file somewhere and it is not somehow connected with the file that was uploaded to File Storage repository.


What I did wrong?

I cannot say what you did wrong, and I don't have time to think hard enough about it. I urge you to read what has been written in the other IFS Community post I linked to earlier (second link). Apart from the tables in IFS Document Management, we need a record in the File Storage file reference table.

Instead of using data migration, how about having a look at using Test-A-Rest? (now Script-A-Rest) With it you can easily import files and selecting the right repository will be handled by the back end.

There is a link to a post about the latter from this related post:



Thank you for the answer. We will try Test-A-Rest.
