In the Cloud we have a read log:
Logging of reads, writes and deletes of document files. The log records can be found in the File Operation Log window under Basic Data. Event messages are also generated on reads, writes and deletions of document files such that event actions can be added to these events. An end-user can only see his own log records unless he has been granted the DOCMAN ADMINISTRATOR system privilege, when he can see every log record.
A document is "read" when a user in some way was able get a copy of the document file to his PC. Examples of operations in the application where this happens are edit (check out), view and print. A document was "written" when a user checks in a document file, either new or modified. A document was deleted when a user removes a document file.
Log records are by default saved in thirty (30) days, but this can be changed using the SYSCFG-Default Value SYSCFG_SOX_LOG_EXPIRE_DAYS. A batch job that deletes old records job is run once per day.
My question is: Has anyone managed to create a solution for an individual actually digitally acknowledging that they have read and understood a document? The log of “read” against a document is not this acknowledgement.