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DOCMAN (Document Management) PDF / DOC document Parsing

  • 5 September 2024
  • 2 replies

Does IFS Document Management support attachment parsing for text documents WORD or PDF? basically the system to be able in examining the data present in a document like keywords and other text to make it available for SEARCH ?


If this capability is not available ? are we going to include it as a model in Copilot for future releases?  is this on the Roadmap?

Hi @Ayman 


It’s best to contact the IFS R&D team to get a solid answer to your query.

I'm happy to share my advises on this. If you found the answer helpful, could you please mark it as the correct answer? This will allow us to close the thread and make it easier for other community users to find and benefit from in the future.



See my answer in your duplicated post.
