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It looks like we’ve added a new “standard” Document Class to our database.  Now I see that we have INVOICE and DISCO DOC and its definition says it is Attachments related to Historical Record.

What historical record is this referring to?  How is it intergrated into the system?  How does it work?



Hi Patrick.

I don't know much about this but it's used from the DISCOP component - Disconnected Operations. That's in A&D. It's used for some sort of data syncing using XML as data carrier. If you need to know more you need to ask the people working with that functionality.


Hi Mathias,

I think that no matter what the reason for it is that we should have the help document and the ability to search for it the F1 Docs.  Don’t you?

Maybe the people working with the A&D functionality are watching this forum.



Perhaps you should file a case with them to have this documented?
