Hi Linda,
Thanks for asking here.
It sounds like a bug to me.
Did you drag and drop the files or click Browse?
Can you tell us some of the file names, including the path?
Also you say you get errors, can you show us what those are/how they look?
Did you drag and drop the files or click Browse? I tried both. No difference
Can you tell us some of the file names, including the path?
The path is C:\Users\lirano\OneDrive - IFS\Documents\A. TEST DOK
The filename is: Kopi av Grunneier avtale for Nettstasjon O0053.NS, gnr abc, bnr 8 - koklemonkle 27, 2092 minne og eidsvoldEidsvoll kommune (01-B003 - 123456 - 1 - A1) - 1.docx
Also you say you get errors, can you show us what those are/how they look? No errors
Thanks for the update.
I tested now and the problem is not the length of the file name, the problem is some of the characters in the file name. The problem seems to be the comma (“,”) character. Remove that and the problem will go away.
Now, I don’t know in what part of the code the problem lies, but this is of course a bug, either in Docman or in the Aurena client framework. You should report a support case about this. In the meantime, if you know about the problem with commas you can easily replace them with spaces (for example).
Thanks for the quick response Mathias! I've tested and it's true what you say. I'm going to report a bug on this one.